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Apex 2022 – What to do before you arrive

It has never felt better to be welcoming teams back to the Apex Challenge. After two years when we couldn’t stage an event we can’t wait to see everyone arriving at Bramham Park in West Yorkshire this weekend. 

If you’re joining us you’ll probably be busy packing and getting ready. Here’s a few things to remember before you set off.

Update your details

Do we have full details for your whole team? Go the the team list, click on your team, enter your password and check all the details are complete.

We require names of all team members, and a mobile phone number and email address for all those taking part. We can enter those when you sign in at the event but it will be much easier if those details are complete before you arrive. 

Your last chance to edit those details is 2pm on Friday 7 October.

Consent Forms

Every team member needs to download and complete a consent form, even if they are over 18 and taking part in the Network competition. Remember to bring it with you and if for any reason one of your team members is arriving late, bring their consent with you. We need a full set of consent forms before we can sign in your team. There are also adult information forms for any leaders who are attending to complete.

Kit list

Make sure you have all the kit you will need for the weekend, including a packed lunch for Saturday and snacks for throughout the weekend. Check the kit list before you set off.


Make sure you know where you are travelling to and how to get there. We have full directions available to guide you to the Event Centre at Bramham Park in West Yorkshire on our website but it might be worth downloading a copy in case you lose your phone signal.

Bring some cash

We will have a tuck shop selling some extra snacks and drinks for the weekend. You will also be able to buy Apex Challenge 2022 T-shirts for just £10 each if you didn’t pre-order them. Bring some cash with you and we will also accept payment by card too. 

When you arrive

When you arrive on site, follow the signs to our main camping field, unload your gear and sign in at Event Centre.

There are a few things you can do which will speed up signing in for you and all the teams on site:

  • You can only sign in if you have ALL the consent forms for your team. If someone is arriving late, please bring their consent form with you to avoid a delay in signing in.
  • Teams should sign in themselves, rather than sending their Scout leader or responsible adult to sign in on their behalf. We like to welcome teams individually to the event and signing in is our chance to do that.
  • Teams should sign in individually. If several teams try to sign in together it causes delays for other groups who are arriving so please encourage your teams to sign in individually.

Get ready!

You are about to experience the ultimate adventure that is the Apex Challenge. Get ready for three days that will test your skills to the limit! 

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