20 years of Apex


After 29 incredible events there are no future Apex Challenge competitions planned.

It’s always been about the adventure. For two decades the Apex Challenge staged incredible weekends of competitions in amazing locations.

In 2023 the team behind the competition decided it was time to go out on a high, confirming that after 20 years of competitions the 2022 event would be the final Apex Challenge.

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Watch the highlights from our final event

Our final event took place on the Bramham Park estate in West Yorkshire in 2022.

This video captures some magic moments from that unforgettable weekend of adventure celebrating all that made the Apex Challenge such a great event.

Look back at our previous events


You’ll remember the mud but there was so much more to this weekend than just a wet field!

Bramham Park

Some fairly intense weather greeted us at the start of what became an unforgettable weekend.

Peak District

If this event will be remembered for anything it will be the particularly tough Adventure Race on Sunday morning.

20 years of creating unforgettable weekends of Scouting adventures.

© 2024 Apex Challenge

Apex Challenge organised events for the Scout Association between 2002 and 2022, following its rules and guidelines and was a registered charity.
