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We are sorry to announce the cancellation of our 2020 event

We are really sorry to announce our decision not to go ahead with the 2020 Apex Challenge in October as planned.

We have been closely monitoring government health and safety advice concerning the coronavirus pandemic, and had been getting things ready for teams to sign up from later this month.

Public health is of paramount importance to us, particularly the wellbeing of everyone who takes part in the Apex Challenge and all our volunteers. It is now clear that for this reason we cannot go ahead with the event.

Scout groups are still unable to meet in person, so it would be very difficult for many to get their teams together. And it would be too hard for us to commit money to booking all the things we need to stage the event without knowing if social distancing restrictions will lift enough to allow the weekend to go ahead safely.

We had really hoped that Apex would be something for us all to look forward to in these difficult times. Hopefully it still can be, even though we will now have to wait a little bit longer to enjoy getting together once again.

Our next Apex Challenge event will now take place on the 1-3 October 2021 at Bramham Park near Leeds. Get the dates in your calendar now and we’ll look forward to seeing you next year

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