The online payment system will go live at 10am on Saturday 14 September and only those teams which have pre-registered in advance will be able to use their credit or debit cards to pay for their event places and any merchandise ordered using our secure PayPal system when it opens. New teams will not be able to register on Saturday morning.
It is likely that more than 100 teams will have pre-registered by Friday evening so places in the event will be available on a first-come, first-served basis on Saturday morning.
The only way to confirm your place is to pay for your team online. To confirm your team’s place, click on your team’s name on the team list page. Then enter your team’s password and click the button to pay for your team. This will take you to our secure online payment page.
We are busy finalising the plans for the event which is being held at the Strensall military training facility near York. You won’t want to miss out! Pre-register your team now!