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Last chance for T-shirt orders

This weekend is the last chance for teams taking part in our upcoming tenth anniversary Apex Challenge to order their exclusive 2012 design T-shirts. It’s great to see so many teams have already ordered theirs at just £7 each. Orders need to be in by 9pm on Sunday 30 September.

If your team hasn’t ordered T-shirts yet but would like to then please log in to your team details page where you can order and pay for your T-shirts.

It’s also really important that any teams who want to change their team name do it by 9pm on Tuesday 2 October. There are some really good ones this year but we have spotted a few teams who still have things like Rotherham 1 and Rotherham 2 so it would be great to see some more creative ones! Unfortunately it’s not possible to change them after Tuesday evening.

Before your team sets off to the event, also make sure everyone on your team has a signed consent form to bring with them as well as everything from the kit list and you have checked the directions. All the details are on the next event pages of the website.

Finally, we know some teams plans change at short notice, so if for any reason your team needs to withdraw from the competition, please contact us so we can offer your place to another team.

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