Autumn 2016 event

7-9 October 2016
Eastern Moors Estate

This event featured some of the toughest terrain ever used in the Apex Challenge as teams took on three days of challenging activities.

The weekend culminated in dramatic fashion with an Adventure Race built with a lorry load of scaffolding poles.



League tables organised by Explorers and Network events

Adventure Race

The fastest times for Sunday's
Apex Adventure Race

Facts and figures

How many teams visited each activity base or control point

Watch all the action

Relive all the action from our spectacular three day event in the Peak District.

Watch teams compete in the Apex Intense on Friday night, tackle six hours of exciting activities on Saturday, enjoy an evening of relaxation at Saturday Night Live and then take on our toughest Apex Adventure Race yet.

Event report

Well what a weekend that was! With a stunning new area and a host of new and challenging activities, this Autumn’s Apex Challenge was one of the toughest and most successful ever. Here’s how the weekend panned out…

Friday – Apex Intense

The event began with a challenging sprint version of the main event. With just 70 minutes to hunt down 15 well-hidden control points strewn over the moor in the pitch darkness, it took great navigation skills, determination and endurance to succeed. But teams weren’t alone – there were an army of highly trained Apex Chases out to hunt teams down and take their points away. As teams returned, it became clear some were in line for great things as the rest of the weekend got underway.

Saturday – The Main Event

With six hours to visit as many points as they can, teams needed a great strategy to succeed. Activities ranged from kayaking across an open lake, to scaling a sheer rock face and hurling axes – so teams needed to be adaptable to make the most of what was on offer. But time was ticking and it was those who used clever route planning with endurance and determination who came out on top.

Saturday Night Live

As teams gathered at Event Centre, the results so far were revealed. It was also becoming clear what was laying ahead on Sunday. But before all that it was Saturday Night Live. Competitors danced into the night with the fantastic Boon Dogs playing live on stage. They later said the Apex crowd had provided them with one of their most memorable gigs ever!

Sunday – Adventure Race

This year brought us the toughest ever Apex Adventure Race. The 5.2km course took in open moorland, rocky edges and thick forest – but dotted along the route were also more than a dozen new obstacles. From crawls under ‘barbed’ wire to slides down firemen’s poles, tough mazes and wobbling bridges this tested the endurance of event the fittest competitors.

All in all it was once again a fantastic weekend in a stunning location. We can’t wait to see you all again next year.

Here’s what could be found at each of the bases on Saturday.

A – Free Points

If you made it right to the top of the playing area you were in for a nice surprise. A totally free set of points – simply for tuning up. Result!

B – Enigma

At this woodland base you faced three tough brain-stretching challenges in order to give you the code to unlock those points.

C – Chopstick Challenge

The giant chopsticks took great skill, agility and teamwork if you were to complete all the challenges. With balls, hoops, and wobbling logs in your path, did you have the dexterity to succeed?

D – Taskmaster

Based on the TV programme, you faced a series of challenges in this wooded ravine. With water, ropes and fiendishly hard mental challenges it took great skill to gain access to the crucial 50 points.

E – Towers of Hanoi

It’s an ancient challenge, scaled up for Apex. Those concentric rings needed to be rearranged, but could your team find the way to do it before the timer ran out?

F – It’s the Climb

No trip to Frogatt Edge would be complete without a challenging rock climb. It took a great deal of jamming, bridging and crimping to make your way up to the top.

G – Canoe get across?

It was time to take to the water to retrieve those balls from the water. But it needed all your teammates to join you or the challenge intensified. Few made it back without a bit of a soaking – some ended up completely in the drink.

H – Supersledge

An Apex classic on a massive hill. Everyone loves a good grass sledging challenge and this was a stunning location to take to the slopes.

J – Go-Ape(x)

High in the trees you had to scale the wobbling rope bridge while passing crucial clues to your teammates. But this needed strength, agility and a strong head for heights.

K – Bullseye

With only a limited number of arrows and four balloons to pop, your team needed true focus and a steady hand to hit the bullseye at this archery challenge.

L – Boulder Dash

Bouldering is one of Britain’s fastest growing sports and this was your chance to become a rock star. Following the route across the boulders required strength and dexterity to get the 50 points.

M – Mad Axe Man

A brand new activity for this year’s Apex Challenge. This was a chance to reach for your inner cave man as you hurled the axes at the targets. Could you make yours stick?

Photo Album

Team simulation

Using real-time data from the electronic tags carried by each team , this video shows the ‘as the crow flies’ route taken by each team.

Each dot represents one team. The speed of movement is the average time taken by a team between each pair of locations.

20 years of creating unforgettable weekends of Scouting adventures.

© 2025 Apex Challenge

Apex Challenge organised events for the Scout Association between 2002 and 2022, following its rules and guidelines and was a registered charity.
